
Auto insurance offers protection if you have a vehicle accident or injury. For parents of teen drivers, this provides significant peace of mind. If your teen has their driver's license, you should ensure they have adequate coverage. To help you find the best policy, below are a few common questions parents have about car insurance for teenage drivers.

A Guide to Teen Auto Insurance

Does the teen need separate auto insurance, or can they be on the parent's policy?

There's no concrete answer to this question. You can do whatever makes the most sense for your family, as long as your teen driver has insurance. Remember, adding a newly licensed teenager to an existing policy will increases rates. However, many providers offer discounts for multiple cars on the same policy. Check with your carrier for exact pricing advantages and drawbacks.

Why do rates go up for teen drivers?

A teenage driver doesn't have as much experience on the road, so they tend to be more prone to accidents. They also may engage in more high-risk driving behaviors. With more significant risk comes higher insurance premiums.

What discounts are available to teen drivers?

auto insuranceThis will vary from one provider to the next, but most offer some teen driver discounts. Many programs require drivers to maintain a certain grade point average or have a valid safe-driving record. Teens may also qualify for lower rates after completing an approved driver education or accident prevention course.

Does the type of car the teenager drives affect their auto insurance rates?

Yes. This is the case for any driver of any age. In general, vehicles with enhanced safety features and high safety ratings have lower insurance rates. Sporty and ultra-luxury cars will cost more to insure.


When you're ready to explore auto insurance policies for your teen driver, contact Farmers Insurance Group. Serving the Ozarks region for more than 15 years, we have the experience to serve all of your insurance needs. In addition to auto policies, we provide home, life, and health insurance coverage, as well as Medicare plans. Call (417) 926-7900 to request a quote.
