
Certain adjustments to your daily routine have to be made when you get braces. For example, you’ll have to avoid certain foods—like gum and caramels that can stick to brackets. You will also need to adjust your flossing routine. Your orthodontist—like your dentist—will likely recommend you floss at least once a day. Here are a few tips for making this process easier.

3 Tips for Flossing With Braces

1. Use Floss Threaders 

Floss threaders can be purchased at your local drugstore or provided by your orthodontist.

Cut off 18-24 inches of floss and thread it through the eye of this device. Then, use the needle-nose to maneuver the floss behind each bracket so that you can work it up and down your tooth to clear debris and plaque. If you don’t understand how to do this, ask your orthodontist to demonstrate the technique.

2. Use a Water Flosser

orthodontistA water flosser can help you easily remove plaque and debris from between and around your teeth with water pressure. A stream of water is released by a hand-held device to break up plaque and remove bacteria buildup. Fill up the device’s water chamber and use as directed. Clean the reservoir after each use to keep it sanitary. 

3. Use Waxed Floss

Wax floss has more traction than regular floss and can be manipulated around your braces and teeth without the strand fraying or breaking. Use waxed floss in your threader or on its own. Insert the floss between your teeth behind the wire and apply pressure so it goes between your teeth to the gums. 


If you are looking for ways to achieve a bright, even smile, visit the professionals at Delgado Orthodontics in North Richland Hills, TX. Their team of orthodontists and dental professionals can help you maintain excellent oral health while providing caring and compassionate orthodontics care. Go to them for braces, Invisalign®, and other teeth straightening solutions. Visit their website to get some answers to frequently asked questions about orthodontics. If you’re ready to make an appointment, call (817) 282-1821 today.
