
Whether it’s a penchant for sweet treats or your dental hygiene needs improvements, visiting your dentist is crucial if you think you’re developing a cavity. A cavity is decay that causes permanent damage to the tooth’s enamel and typically begins as a small hole. To determine if you are experiencing discomfort caused by a cavity, understand more about what causes them and your treatment options.

What Causes a Cavity? 

Tooth decay creates cavities and is commonly caused by high-sugar diets, starchy foods, and poor dental hygiene habits. After eating or drinking, food particles and debris stick to the teeth and form a clear film known as plaque.

When allowed to remain on the teeth, this plaque hardens into tartar and acts as a shield for the bacteria that damage enamel. The acids in this plaque and tartar attack the protective layer of your tooth, causing tiny holes that allow bacteria to penetrate the inner layer of the tooth.

Once these acids reach the inside of the tooth, further damage will continue to develop, resulting in larger cavities and openings.  

What Are the Symptoms?

dentistCavity symptoms can vary based on where the decay is located and how severe the damage is. For mild or small cavities, you may notice some sensitivity or brown, black, or white discoloration where the decay is occurring.

As the cavity progresses, you may observe pain when biting down, visible holes in the teeth, or a severe toothache, which may or may not respond to over-the-counter pain medication.

How Are Cavities Treated?

Cavities can often be prevented with daily brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist. In the earliest stages, a fluoride treatment may be able to restore your enamel and reverse the beginning impacts of the cavity.

For the next stage, fillings are typically recommended, which entails removing the decay with a drill and filling in the space with a composite material. For cavities that have become more serious, your dentist may suggest a crown, root canal, or extraction.


If you are looking for tips on cavity prevention and how you can maintain a healthy smile, trust the team at Tri-Cities Dental in Colleyville, TX. With more than 25 years of experience, the dentists at this facility provide a range of oral health services, from prevention to restoration. Learn more about cavities and treatment options by visiting them online or calling (817) 283-3427.
