
If you own a swimming pool or hot tub, it’s wise to have a pool contractor test the water weekly. Whether your family swims daily or only soaks on weekends, the water quality will inevitably change from day to day, and periodic testing will allow you to adjust it as needed.

3 Reasons Testing the Water in Your Pool Is Important 

1. To Protect the Equipment 

If the water is too acidic, it will destroy the pumps and filters over time by speeding up the corrosion process. By testing the water weekly, you can monitor the pH level closely. If it drops too low, your pool contractor can recommend a few adjustments that will bring it back up, thereby extending the longevity of the equipment. 

2. To Maintain Sanitary Conditions 

pool contractorsIf chlorine levels dip, the water will become a breeding ground for bacteria. Too much chlorine, however, and it will produce a gas that may harm respiratory health.

Generally, the chlorine level should hover between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million at all times. If the water tests any higher or lower, the technician will help you determine the best way to proceed. 

3. To Prevent Irritation 

If the chemicals in your pool aren't perfectly balanced, those who swim in the water may develop eye irritation or itchy skin. Water testing will reveal whether the pH level, calcium hardness, total chlorine content, and stabilizer  level are in harmony. If they're not, you’ll want to make the necessary adjustments before diving in. 



For weekly water testing that is prompt and accurate, turn to The Pool Guys. Serving clients throughout Troy, MO, this family-owned business is proud to be one of the leading pool contractors in the area. For the past 40 years, they've been installing, maintaining, and repairing in-ground pools and hot tubs. To learn more about their services, visit their website. To schedule water testing, call (636) 462-7665. 
