
When spring arrives, you may be eager to pack up your car and hit the open road to enjoy the warm weather. But before you get behind the wheel, you should use this season as a chance to tidy up—especially when it comes to your automobile. By cleaning up your home, car, and landscape, you can prevent accidents that could have you making auto insurance claims—and increasing your premium rates. To help reduce your risks as a vehicle owner, here are four chores you’ll want to put on your spring cleaning checklist.

How to Reduce Auto Insurance Risks With Spring Cleaning

1. Clear the Garage

If your garage is stuffed with boxes and other stored goods, you might use the spring as an opportunity to clear them out. Getting rid of clutter and organizing shelves will give you more space to comfortably store your vehicle. Auto insurance companies will often offer lower rates to policyholders who keep their car in the garage, as the vehicle will be less likely to experience damage related to bad weather, theft, and vandalism.

2. Trim Trees

auto insuranceSpring and summer storms can cause significant damage to trees—such as by causing branches to fall. If these branches hit your car when it’s parked outside, you may end up having to file a claim with your auto insurance provider. To minimize this risk, trim weak or unhealthy tree limbs on your property—especially those that are near your normal parking area.

3. Assess Your Windshield

From salt residue to dirt, your car’s windshield may be riddled with blemishes leftover from winter weather. Cleaning the windshield will help you maintain good visibility on the road, and in turn, reduce your risk of getting into an accident. As you evaluate your windshield, replace the wiper blades and have any cracks or chips repaired to preserve your on-road visibility.

4. Visit the Auto Shop

Bring your vehicle to a trusted mechanic to have it inspected for winter-related damage. In addition to addressing issues with the car, your auto shop can also provide routine maintenance—such as brake checks, tire changes, and oil changes. This upkeep will ensure your car can safely handle the demands of the road so you can minimize the risk of on-road collisions.


As you clean up your car and home this spring, Integrity Insurance Solutions is here to review all your coverage needs. Serving motorists in San Marcos, TX, this agency offers a wide range of auto policy options to help reduce your risks on the road while keeping your premiums low. They can also help you explore solutions to minimize your existing rates—such as by storing your vehicle in a garage, bundling your policy with your homeowners insurance plan, or applying for a safe driver’s discount. To learn more about their solutions, visit this insurance company online. For a quick car insurance quote, call (512) 396-2211.
