
Alzheimer’s disease is a complex neurological condition marked by memory loss and other debilitating side effects. While there’s no cure, this form of dementia is much easier to control when detected early. Recognizing the symptoms can help you secure senior care services and medical aid as soon as possible.

How to Recognize When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

1. Struggling With Problem-Solving & Critical Thinking

As brain cells weaken and die, your loved one will have trouble with problem-solving and critical thinking. They may not be able to organize detailed thoughts and may have difficulty planning daily responsibilities. If your senior parent forgets how to tip at restaurants or how to play strategy games they once loved, they might be developing Alzheimer’s.

2. Misplacing Everyday Items

Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease may begin to misplace their car keys, pocketbook, and other belongings. They may pick up an item, set it down briefly, and completely forget where they placed it.

Misplacing items is something everyone experiences, which is why this symptom is often overlooked. Schedule a neurological exam. A doctor will perform brain imaging and memory tests to determine if Alzheimer’s is the cause. They’ll recommend treatment options, such as medication, and senior care services to manage symptoms.

3. Forgetting Information

senior careMemory loss is the most recognizable symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Seniors may first forget names or dates, and they will often repeat questions that were answered moments before. Gradually, they’ll begin to forget pieces of their past and even who people are. These symptoms can make living alone challenging, which is why senior care is essential.

4. Withdrawing From Friends & Family

The frustrating symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may cause seniors to withdraw from social situations. They may speak less or, if they become depressed or anxious, may not engage with family and friends. This can lead to drastic mood swings, so pay attention to stark changes in personality.


If you have concerns about Alzheimer’s disease, you should seek care for your loved one. The senior care professionals at Nurse Next Door Dallas are proud to assist seniors in southeast Dallas, TX. These skilled professionals provide everything from companionship and caregiver services to 24-hour home care. Explore their services further on their website and connect on Facebook for more updates. Call (817) 608-7322 to speak with a representative.
