
Pet dental care is a necessary yet often overlooked part of keeping your furry companion healthy. Just like you, your pet can develop oral health conditions without preventative measures. Learn how to stay on top of your pet’s oral health with the following guide.

Why Should I Clean My Pet’s Teeth?

Cats and dogs can get periodontal disease and experience symptoms like bad breath, loose teeth, and difficulty chewing. Oral bacteria can also travel in your pet’s bloodstream to the heart, kidneys, and liver. That’s why pet dental cleanings are necessary to reduce your pet’s susceptibility.

Daily brushing will remove leftover food particles from your pet’s teeth, but a good cleaning a few times per week is enough to prevent dental disease. Examine their mouth regularly for signs of tartar buildup and inflamed gums.

When Should My Pet Receive Dental Cleanings?

Dental cleanings by a professional veterinarian are the safest way to remove hardened tartar from your pet’s teeth and underneath the gum tissue. Your dentist can reverse the symptoms of gingivitis with cleanings and follow-up care.

pet dentalAt least once a year, bring your pet to the veterinarian for a professional checkup and cleaning. The cleaning will last around 45 minutes to an hour and remove plaque from their teeth’s surface and below the gumline.

While a professional cleaning once a year is suitable for larger dogs, smaller dogs are more prone to periodontal disease and require more visits.

How Should I Clean My Pet’s Teeth?

Familiarize your pet with the toothbrushing process before attempting a cleaning. Acclimate them by slowly massaging their teeth and gums with your finger a couple of times a day.

Once they’re comfortable with that, introduce them to a pea-sized amount of pet toothpaste on a pet toothbrush or a small child toothbrush. Slowly increase the time over a few days, and reward them for their effort.

Alternatives to tooth brushing include dental chew sticks and additives to their food and water. Consult your veterinarian for the best substitute.


If you’re looking for reliable pet dental care in Honolulu, check out Ohana Veterinary Hospital. This family-owned animal hospital utilizes over 20 years of experience to provide exceptional healthcare, including vaccines, surgery, and exams. Visit their website for an overview of their services, or call (808) 845-1762 to make an appointment.
