
Mysterious recurring bug bites are a common reason for calling a pest control specialist. But how can you tell what type of insects you’re dealing with? The nature of the bite will go a long way in telling you what kind of pest control problem you’re facing. Here are some of the most common bites that homeowners encounter.

The Top 3 Bug Bites to Watch Out For

1. Bed Bugs

If you get bit at night, you are most likely dealing with bed bugs. They like to hide in the crevices of mattresses and sofas and will bite almost any exposed skin.

They typically leave itchy red welts, though not everyone shows these symptoms. You may also find black-brown spots on your sheets from bed bug skins and feces left behind after feeding.

2. Fleas

pest controlIf you have pets in your home, you are much more likely to get a flea infestation. These bites are often mistaken for bed bugs because of their similar appearance and itchiness. However, fleas will usually leave red stains after feeding.

Fleas can transmit serious diseases and should be eliminated quickly. You can minimize your risk for flea bites by not letting your pets sleep in bed with you and washing and grooming them regularly.

3. Mosquitos

When spending time outside, few pests are more obnoxious than mosquitos. They bite any exposed skin, leaving itchy raised bumps that occasionally turn red in color. However, mosquitos can spread serious diseases, like encephalitis and the West Nile virus.

While they can ruin outdoor activities, they are unlikely to get inside unless you leave doors or unscreened windows open. One of the best ways to keep mosquitos away is by eliminating standing water on your property, which serves as their primary breeding grounds.


Whether you need termite treatments or animal control, you can count on All Service in New Braunfels, TX, to handle any pest control problem. Their trained and certified technicians can handle roaches, fleas, scorpions, and more. To learn more about their pest control services, visit them online or call (830) 626-2847.
