
On a sweltering hot day, the last thing you want is for your AC to stop working. Although a central air conditioner blowing warm air indicates a problem with the system, the issue can often be easily fixed. Here are a few possibilities as to why your air is warm.

5 Reasons Your AC Air Isn’t Cold

1. Dirty Filters

Dirt and debris on the filter block air from flowing over the cooling coils, keeping them from removing heat. As a result, the warm air will blow back into your home. Check the filters, and if they’re dirty, replace them to correct the problem.

2. Clogged Condenser

If the coils are covered with dirt and grime, or the unit is blocked by leaves and bushes, the condenser can’t release warm air outdoors. The trapped air blows back inside, making the central air conditioning system blow warm too. Clean the condenser unit and remove leaves, and always keep it clear to prevent this issue.

3. Thermostat Trouble

central airCheck your thermostat. If someone changed the settings or turned the unit off, you may not get cold air. For example, if the fan is set to ON instead of AUTO, the unit will blow warm air.

4. Power Problems

The central air conditioning system won't blow cold if the condenser unit isn't getting electricity, keeping it from chilling the air. Make sure the condenser is running, and if it isn’t, check the circuit breaker box. It’s possible that the AC tripped a switch, and you only need to flip it back on to get cool air. If that doesn’t work, the electrical problem is serious and needs professional attention.

5. Blocked Vents

If the vents in your home are blocked or closed, there won’t be enough airflow to adequately cool the air. Reopen the vents and remove obstructions to get the cold air flowing again.


If none of these solutions get your central air conditioning unit working properly, contact the team at Advanced A/C Contracting or their partner company, Air Conditioning Essential Services Inc. These professionals service systems throughout Oahu, HI, and can correctly diagnose any issue to restore cool air. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 847-4814 to schedule an appointment.
