
If you snore and often feel tired during the day, you should get checked for sleep apnea. With this disorder, your breathing repeatedly stops and starts while you’re sleeping, so you wake up multiple times a night. To spread awareness to those who may be susceptible, here are a few leading causes of sleep apnea.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

1. Being Male

Not to say that all men will get sleep apnea, but they are two to three times more likely to have it than women. This could be because men’s airway structures and tissues are more mobile than those in women. 

2. Narrowed Airway

If you have a narrow throat or enlarged tonsils, you could be susceptible to sleep apnea. While you’re sleeping, the muscles in your throat relax, which can cause your narrow airway to thin out even more and lower the oxygen level in your blood. Your brain then wakes you up so you can reopen your airway. 

3. Excess Weight

Sleep apneaWhen you’re lying down and relaxed, fat around the neck and airway can restrict airflow. If you’re overweight and have sleep apnea, work with your doctor to follow regular exercise regimens and achieve a healthy body weight.

4. Smoking

Smokers are three times more likely to have sleep apnea since smoking can increase inflammation and fluid in the upper airway. While it’s difficult to stop smoking, working to quit can improve your overall health in addition to lowering your risk for this disorder.  

5. Genetics

If someone in your family has this disorder, then you’re at higher risk. Talk with your dentist about your family history, so they can perform routine checks for sleep apnea. 


If you want to check if you have sleep apnea, consult Carter S. Yokoyama, DDS, located in Kailua-Kona, HI. The dental clinic prioritizes patient comfort with amenities like snacks, drinks, and noise-canceling headphones. Dr. Yokoyama also offers custom-designed oral appliances to treat sleep apnea. To learn more about treatment options, go online or call (808) 322-0101. 
