
It's no secret that a divorce can be a stressful experience accompanied by intense emotions and major life changes. Navigating these complexities can easily become overwhelming, which is why it essential to take care of yourself throughout the process. The first step is to hire a skilled divorce attorney who can tackle the legal aspects of the split. This will give you peace of mind and take some of the burden off your shoulders. Below are a few additional tips for successfully coping with a divorce.

How to Cope With a Divorce

1. Rely on Others

Don't face a divorce alone. Family members, friends, and colleagues will likely want to support you during this transition; let them be there for you. Just going out for lunch with a coworker or for a walk with a friend can work wonders.

Social support reminds you that you are loved and valuable. It gets you out of the quicksand of negative thinking and trains your focus on healthier pursuits. It gives you a safe place to vent difficult thoughts and emotions. If you need professional guidance during this time, reach out to a therapist or support group.

2. Grieve the End of the Marriage

divorce attorneyGive yourself the emotional space to grieve the end of the marriage. Recognize that this is a hard experience. Let in the feelings of pain and heartbreak. There are a few healthy ways to do this.

First, write out your thoughts and feelings. Set aside 10 or 15 minutes each day to journal, and don't censor yourself. Second, perform a ritual that marks the end of the marriage, like burning a candle or saying a little prayer. Third, perform an activity that symbolizes a fresh start and an emergence from grief, like planting a garden, undertaking an art project, or even just a thorough housecleaning.

3. Stick to a Routine

Routine helps people feel comfortable during times of distress and upheaval. Maintain a regular schedule as much as possible throughout the divorce. Between visits to the divorce attorney and court dates, this can be challenging.

Try to stick to the same basic routine. Wake up, go to sleep, and eat meals at the same time each day, attend work or school as normal, and make time for exercise, social outings, and solo reflection.



Your divorce attorney will be your ally at every step. The lawyers at Bitar & Bitar, LLP, are here to help. Serving Western Pennsylvania since 1974, they offer representation in family and criminal cases, personal and work injuries, and real estate transactions. Call (724) 339-1025 or visit their website to browse their services and discuss your needs.
