
Dentist-provided teeth whitening solutions are safer and more effective than drugstore whitening strips, and thanks to today’s technology, the process is incredibly easy. It takes just one appointment to whiten teeth by up to eight shades. Here’s what to expect when you make an appointment. 

The Easy 3-Step Teeth Whitening Process 

1. Preparation 

You can schedule teeth whitening at the end of your regular cleaning or make a separate appointment on a later date. If you decide to schedule these appointments separately, the dentist will polish your teeth to prepare a clean surface area for the whitening solution. Then, they’ll use a dental shade guide to categorize your tooth color; at the end of the appointment, they’ll refer to the same guide again to evaluate the results.

Next, the dentist will use cheek retractors to keep your lips open throughout the procedure and position a dental dam or gel around your gums to protect them from bleach. They might use gauze to pack around your lips and mouth to keep them from touching your teeth; if you plan to use a laser whitening system, your dentist will give you a pair of tinted glasses to protect your eyes.

2. Applying the Solution 

teeth whiteningThe dentist will carefully paint the bleaching agent on the front of your teeth, avoiding the gum line. If they use a laser whitening system, such as Zoom!® WhiteSpeed, they’ll position a blacklight over your mouth to accelerate the process. Once the dentist applies the whitening gel, it will take about 45 minutes for the solution to cure. During that time, the doctor will check your progress and ensure you’re comfortable. 

3. Finishing the Procedure  

After you’ve had the whitening solution on your teeth for the prescribed amount of time, the dentist will rinse your mouth and use a gentle suction tool to remove the gel. Then, they’ll apply a post-treatment gel to help seal the results, protect your enamel, and prevent tooth sensitivity. They'll show you a mirror and measure the results against the dental shade guide. 

To keep your teeth as white as possible, rinse your mouth with water after having coffee, wine, or acidic foods, and use a gentle whitening toothpaste and mouthwash between sessions. You also might need to avoid richly colored foods for the first 24 hours after treatment. Some people have mild sensitivity after teeth whitening, but it will disappear after a day or two. If you’re uncomfortable, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever or use specially formulated toothpaste for sensitive teeth.


If you want to try teeth whitening for the first time, schedule a consultation with Elm Dental Care in St. Charles, MO. Doctors Michael Leuchtmann and Ryan Winschel are committed to providing cutting-edge treatments for patients seeking general and cosmetic dentistry services. They offer the in-office Zoom! teeth whitening treatment in addition to at-home, custom-fitted bleaching trays. To learn more about their services in the New Town area, visit their website or call (636) 916-4848 today. 
