
Dark Hawaiian chocolate is a versatile food that pairs well with everything from fruits to nuts. It also holds health benefits, making it both a tasty and smart dessert choice. Find out how this sweet treat can enhance your well-being below.

3 Ways Eating Dark Hawaiian Chocolate Improves Your Health

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Hawaiian ChocolateHigh blood pressure is linked to serious health risks like stroke. Dark chocolate contains flavanols—even more than popular fruits like blueberries and acai—which are antioxidants shown to promote healthy blood vessels and good circulation. They stimulate the lining of the arteries to produce nitric oxide, which causes the arteries to relax subsequently. This lowers resistance to blood circulation and thereby reduces blood pressure.

2. Improves Cholesterol Levels

There are two types of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is the “bad” kind that clogs your arteries, increasing your likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, and experiencing a heart attack. HDL is the “good” kind that helps flush the “bad” kind from arteries, keeping them clear. Eating dark chocolate is demonstrated to decrease LDL and increase HDL.

3. Enhances Brain Function

Eating dark chocolate benefits your mental as well as your physical health. In one study, scientists discovered that adults eating high-flavanol cocoa experienced better blood flow to the brain. Since cocoa also contains stimulants like caffeine, it can improve short-term brain function, as it’s been shown to increase neuron activity in individuals when they were asked to complete a cognitive task.


Kahuku Farms of Oahu, HI, produces original Hawaiian chocolate—both milk and dark—made from the cacao beans they grow. With roots dating back over 100 years, this family-owned farm is a cornerstone of the community, feeding tourists and locals alike. In addition to cacao, they grow fresh fruits and vegetables. They offer farm tours to educate the public about the cultivation process and have an on-site farm-to-table cafe, where you can sample their goods. Find out more about their chocolate online. For questions about their products or services, call (808) 628-0639.
