
Whether you own a commercial complex, grocery store, or fitness center, your business property will likely need a parking area to accommodate visitors. There are a lot of complicated decisions you’ll need to make to achieve the right parking lot design. Before you start this commercial paving project, here are five factors to keep in mind during planning.  

How to Design a Parking Lot

1. Determine Dimensions

Using measurements from surveys and property blueprints, determine the location and size of the lot. With the basic dimensions ready, you can create a visual layout of your commercial paving plans. These plans should proportionately illustrate parking spaces, entrances, exits, walkways, drainage features, and other visible details.

2. Choose the Angle of Spaces

If you have a high-traffic area that sees a lot of visitors throughout the day, consider angling parking spaces between 45 and 60 degrees. This positioning will make it much easier for visitors to safely pull in and out of their spaces.

If your lot is designed for longer-term parking—such as for overnight visitors or employees—90-degree angles will give you a higher number of parking spaces and efficiently use the available space.

3. Address Accessibility Requirements

commercial pavingConnecticut laws dictate how many reserved handicap spaces you must include in your parking lot based on the number of available spaces. Make sure your lot plans include a compliant amount of handicap spaces and that each is sized appropriately.

4. Pick Pavement Thickness

Consult with your commercial paving contractor to determine the appropriate thickness for the lot’s asphalt. General-use commercial lots should be about 4.5 inches deep. However, if the area will be exposed to excessive weight—such as that of delivery trucks—the asphalt may need to be as deep as 7.5 inches. You might also need a thicker lot if the soil composition and integrity are poor.  

5. Layout Markings & Signs

Visitors should be able to use a parking lot intuitively. That’s why it’s crucial to identify all markings and signs that will direct traffic. For example, it should be clear where visitors can and cannot park, as well as what direction to drive. 


While there are many points to consider when planning a parking lot, it’s not a process you have to go through alone. Specializing in residential and commercial paving solutions for more than 45 years, Guarco Construction in Granby, CT, offers end-to-end parking lot installation for property owners in the Hartford area. In addition to making sure the area is designed for safe and effective access, this contractor will also oversee every step of the asphalt paving process to ensure the resulting surface is ready for use. To learn more about their pavement resurfacing and installation services, visit them online or call (860) 278­-5558.
