
Before your new pet comes home, you’ll have many tasks on your to-do list, from finding a trusted veterinarian to preparing supplies for them. But in your excitement, don’t forget that new personalities will be coming together, which can create tension. To ensure your new pet’s arrival remains a happy and safe occasion, follow this advice for introducing them to your family.

How to Introduce Younger Children

When entering a new environment, both kittens and puppies feel vulnerable. Although your children might be eager to get to know the new pet immediately, give the animal space for the first few days. 

Once they’re settled in the new territory, initiate an introduction. Choose a large room, so your pet doesn’t feel trapped. Abrupt movements or loud sounds can make an animal feel threatened, so advise your kids to remain calm and seated while you bring the pet to them.

Teach your children to pet gently and avoid sensitive areas like the tail. With a puppy, your child should first let the dog sniff their closed fist. Once the puppy seems satisfied, they can stroke under the chin or neck.

With a kitten, your child should reach their hand out slowly and touch around the chin, cheeks, or between the ears. 

How to Introduce Other Pets 

veterinarianContrary to popular belief, cats and dogs aren’t natural enemies. Still, you’ll want to navigate these interspecies relations with care.

Whether you’re bringing home a kitten or puppy, keep treats handy for the first meeting. Reward the animals when they see each other to create a positive association with their interactions. 


In bringing home a dog to another dog, be mindful of their territorial instincts. At first, keep them separate but introduce them to each other’s smell with a toy or blanket.

When it’s time for their first face-to-face meeting, go to neutral ground where neither feels territorial.


Similarly, when bringing home a kitten, keep them in a separate room from the older cat. Once the kitten is comfortable, take them out of the room, then allow the old cat to enter and get to know the new scent.

Next, let the cats get familiar through a closed door. If they’re behaving calmly, open the door and allow them to meet. 


For compassionate pet care for your new pet, head to The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI. Their experienced veterinarians provide puppy and kitten vaccinations, flea and tick control, dermatology, and other services to keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come. They even sell pet care products like food and toys. Call (808) 946-5096 to make an appointment with a veterinarian. Visit them online to find out more about their services. 
