
Ground fault circuit interrupter outlets can protect you from hazardous electrical issues, which is why they’re essential in homes. Find out more about how they work and why you should have an electrician install GFCI outlets below.

How GFCI Outlets Work

A ground fault occurs when electricity escapes its wiring and runs through a different conductor, which is often the ground but can also be appliances. If the current reaches a person, the result is electrocution.

GFCI outlets prevent ground faults by measuring electrical currents. If they detect dangerous current levels, they immediately shut off using a built-in circuit breaker. This mechanism prevents the possibility of a surge of electricity escaping the outlet and harming you or your plugged-in appliances.

Controlling the flow of electricity not only reduces the likelihood of electrocution but also overheated outlets. Overloaded outlets can get so hot that they may start smoking or catch fire.

Where GFCI Outlets Are Used   


Because water can conduct electrical currents, the risk of electrocution via a ground fault is greater when around water. The National Electrical Code has made it mandatory to install GFCI outlets in areas near water, including bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. 

However, you’re not limited to putting GFCI outlets in just these rooms. Since they’re safer than other kinds, you may want to ask an electrician to install them throughout the home for maximum protection.


If you’re interested in having an electrician install GFCI outlets in your home, turn to Always On Electric. Serving the Big Island of Hawaii, the team prioritizes their clients’ safety and handles a wide range of electrical services with diligence and care. With their 24-hour emergency services and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau®, you can be sure they’ll get the job done efficiently. For more information on their services, check out their website. You can also give them a call at (808) 965-1596 or (808) 640-3391 to schedule an appointment.
