
As unpleasant as the thought may be, residential homes are the perfect nesting and feeding spots for pests. They can also multiply quickly, which is why it’s important to catch an infestation early. Professional pest control services can wipe out any threats, as well as take the necessary steps to protect your home in the future. Look for the following signs of activity so you can act quickly.

When to Call Pest Control Professionals

1. Waste

Pests will deposit droppings where they feed and nest. They range in size and shape—roaches leave black pellet-like waste, while ants deposit waste in a small corner of their nesting areas. Termite waste is usually found at the base of their burrow, and spider droppings, which are liquid, settle in splatter-like patterns. These are a clear sign of pests, and they’re also unhygienic, so clean them up with a bleach-based cleaner while waiting for professional treatment.

2. Strange Noises

If you hear a light banging in your walls, it could point to a termite burrow. Soldier termites bang their heads against tunnel walls when they detect a threat. This sound often means there’s an infestation, and you’ll want to address it right away. Termites can eat through wood framing and weaken your home’s structural support system, which could lead to collapse.

Roaches also emit clicking, squeaking noises that you may hear at night. These pests are known to carry a number of diseases, including e. coli, salmonella, and typhoid. Therefore, quick and efficient removal is essential.

3. Nests in the Yard

pest control servicesIf you notice ant hills are popping up on your lawn or termites are settling into a dead tree stump or wood pile, contact pest control services. These insects will eventually try to enter your home, and eradicating them now can save you time and trouble.

4. Active & Dead Pests

When food supplies run low, pests in a large colony will begin to starve and die. While this may seem beneficial, you’re still dealing with a significant infestation. You may find roach carcasses around the home or notice that roaches are actively looking for food during the day instead of at night. Ants may be trailing around your kitchen, and spiders may spin a web in the corner of a room or in other obvious spots.

Never underestimate their presence. Pest control services will locate where they are nesting, how they’re getting in, and what’s attracting them so you resolve the issue and prevent more infestations.


Don’t let pests become an ongoing issue. The team at Garella Pest Services serves both residential and commercial clients in the Staunton, IL, area. They offer a variety of pest control services and make prevention a priority. Visit their website to learn more about their ant, spider, and cockroach control, and connect on Facebook for more pest control tips. You can contact an exterminator by calling (618) 356-0654 today.
