
During a root canal treatment, the infected or inflamed pulp of a tooth is removed, the space is filled, and the tooth is sealed and topped with a crown. The procedure saves the original tooth, ensuring the comfort and uniformity of the patient's bite. Despite this important function, many myths surround this treatment and what it involves. Here are a few of them.

3 Misconceptions About Root Canals

1. A Root Canal Will Hurt

root canalPerhaps the most prevalent myth about this treatment is that it’s excruciatingly painful. In reality, it’s no more uncomfortable than having a tooth filled.

The mouth is numbed with a local anesthetic so that the patient feels no distress during the procedure. Also, an inflamed or diseased tooth is usually accompanied by significant pain. A root canal eliminates the source of that pain—which means the treatment alleviates discomfort rather than causing it.

2. A Root Canal Is Long & Labor Intensive

These procedures are performed in a couple of hours or less. Depending on the condition of the tooth being repaired, you may need to return for follow-up visits, but dentists aim to keep these to a minimum and perform all required work in as few sessions as possible. While it’s one of the longer dental procedures, modern technology has made treatment faster, more efficient, and more streamlined than ever before.

3. A Root Canal Can Cause Serious Illnesses

Recent claims—including those made in a high-profile documentary—suggest that root canals lead to serious illnesses, like cancer and heart disease. This is patently false. There has never been any scientific evidence that links root canals to any health problems, and the procedure is perfectly safe, a position shared by 8,000 endodontists, 163,000 dentists, and 3,300 dental researchers.


In short, you have nothing to fear from a root canal. At Valley Family Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dental services to the Mayfield, NY, region. In addition to root canals, we offer oral exams, teeth cleaning and whitening, fillings, crowns, implants, and much more. Our team is dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy mouth and a bright smile. Call (518) 661-6405 or visit our website to schedule an appointment.
