
Dealing with blurry vision can be exceptionally frustrating, especially if you are having trouble seeing your work or watching television during your downtime. However, by being able to recognize the early signs of vision trouble, you can meet with your eye doctor early to proactively resolve the problem. Here are three reasons you may have blurred vision and what you can do about it. 

What Are the Most Common Reasons Your Vision Might Be Blurry?

1. Eye Strain

Whenever you use your eyes extensively for long periods of time, you may be faced with developing strain. This can cause symptoms like dryness, discomfort, headaches, and blurred vision.

eye doctorFortunately, eye strain is not usually a serious condition, and typically resolves on its own after rest. However, if you experience it frequently, it could be a sign that you need vision correction. Speak with your eye doctor if you deal with strain regularly. 

2. Aging

As people age, the lenses inside of their eyes become less flexible, which makes focusing more difficult and eventually leads to blurriness. While there isn’t much you can do about growing older, your eye doctor can help with corrective lenses. Modern bifocals and trifocal lenses are available without lines, making it easy to correct your vision without significantly changing the look of your glasses. 

3. Infection or Disease 

Eye infections and diseases, such as glaucoma, can result in pain and other symptoms such as blurriness. If left unchecked and untreated, these conditions can even lead to vision loss. If you are experiencing any type of discomfort with your vision or eyes, turn to a doctor right away. During a comprehensive exam, your doctor will check the health of the anatomical structures of the eye and offer treatments to resolve any issues. 


If you have been having a difficult time with your vision, turn to Daniel J. Kroger OD in West Chester, OH. For more than 25 years, this trusted eye doctor has been offering proactive, affordable vision care solutions to his clients, helping with everything from standard eye exams and vision screenings to ocular disease treatment. To find out more about how he can help, visit his website or give his office a call at (513) 777-3936.
