
Many Christians come together for fellowship and ministries on Easter Sunday. It is the last event of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and marks the last week of Jesus Christ’s life in the Bible. If you want to build a stronger connection to God by attending church service on Easter, below is a closer look at the event and its meaning in the Christian faith.

What Happened in the Bible

christianDue to his influence over the masses, Jesus Christ was arrested by the Jewish council and crucified by the Romans on Good Friday. The Bible states that the Romans nailed his wrists and ankles to the cross and then pierced Him through the chest. After death, they removed Christ’s body from the cross and placed it in a cave with a boulder sealing the entrance. The following Sunday, the boulder was removed, and the body was no longer there. Over the next 40 days, there were reports that Christ was visiting numerous people, reinforcing their faith in God because he rose from the dead. 

Why Easter Is Essential to Christians

Easter is significant to Christians because Jesus Christ sacrificed himself so that God would forgive humans for their sins. The resurrection shows God absolving humanity of their sins, with the promise they will enjoy everlasting life in heaven after they die. Christians try to live their earthly lives by God’s word so they will reunite with loved ones in the kingdom of heaven.


To learn more about the Easter story, and enjoy a community with other Christians, attend church services at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI. In addition to worship services, the church also has an adult bible study so you can hear different interpretations of the passages. Call (808) 922-6011 for more information about the programs and find sermon details online.
