
Swimming pool maintenance is a crucial part of owning a pool, but it’s not always clear how often you should clean it. Cleaning your pool helps remove debris and bacteria, improve its appearance, and make it safer for use.  This information can help you determine a daily, monthly, and yearly cleaning schedule, whether you have an above-ground or in-ground pool.

What You Should Know About Swimming Pool Maintenance

Daily Tasksswimming-pool-maintenance-ct

When your swimming pool is open and being used, it requires basic daily maintenance to remove natural debris from the water. A pool net or skimmer should be used to remove leaves, insects, and dirt from the swimming pool. This also helps the water remain clean by encouraging circulation. 

Weekly Maintenance

Your pool’s water should be tested at least once a week to adjust pool chemicals as needed to maintain the pH and chlorine levels. For example, pH levels should be 7.4 to 7.6 to keep it from being too acidic and to keep the water disinfected. Unclear water is one sign the chemicals need adjusting.

Monthly Requirements

Deeper cleaning of your pool is usually needed at least once a month. Algae and other bacteria can cling to and multiply on the sides and floor of your swimming pool, which is why brushing and vacuuming are necessary. Use a string brush with string thistles, or hire a swimming pool maintenance service to handle the cleaning for you.

Seasonal Needs

Your swimming pool relies on special devices and parts to filter the water. The pool filter should be serviced and cleaned every season by a professional. A professional pool service can also inspect your pool for leaks, cracks in the liner, and drainage. 


Distinctive Swimming Pools in Washington, CT, has helped swimming pool owners keep their pools clean and safe for more than 75 years. Their SP1- and SP2-certified pool cleaning service team is experienced in balancing chemicals, skimming the surface for debris, and servicing filters. Call (860)-868-3622 to request a consultation and learn more about their swimming pool maintenance services online.
