
Day care programs help children develop social and academic skills. And while one of the perks is undoubtedly the chance it provides them to play with their peers, this contact also potentially exposes them to more germs and illnesses. The following guide offers tips for reducing their risk of illness.

How to Lower Your Child’s Risk of Getting Sick

1. Boost the Immune System

Your child’s immune system is their line of defense against illness. Help to fortify it by encouraging your child to eat well-rounded meals consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. If your child struggles to try new or healthy foods, talk to your doctor about a multivitamin suitable for kids.

2. Follow a Regular Sleep Schedule 

day careGetting the right amount of sleep every night is crucial to helping the body stay healthy. During sleep, your body produces cytokines, a protein responsible for creating the immune response that fights infection and illness. Without an adequate amount of sleep, which is between 12-14 hours for children ages one through five, fewer cytokines are made.

3. Encourage Hand Washing

Children have curious hands that can easily spread germs. Talk to your child about the importance of washing up after using the restroom and before meals to prevent illness from spreading. Teach them to sing through “Happy Birthday” twice while at the sink to ensure a thorough clean.

4. Ask About the Day Care’s Sick Policy

Children’s centers have different policies on sickness, so ask what protocol they follow. While a fever is always a reason to keep your child home, some illnesses are contagious days before their temperature increases or may never cause one in the first place. When in doubt, keep your child home if they are under the weather and aren’t acting like themselves.


If you are looking for a day care center to help your child flourish socially and academically, consult the professionals at Little Hands at Work & Play in Omaha, NE. With a knowledgeable staff and cameras in every room, you can rest easy knowing your child is receiving personal attention in a caring environment. To learn more about their programs, visit them online. Call (402) 493-6615 to discuss enrollment.
