
The argument for glasses over contacts or vice versa is a constant debate among those with poor eyesight. While both options will help you see, picking out what’s right for you and your lifestyle can be tricky. Visiting your eye doctor regularly will help you determine what’s best for your vision problems, but the following guide also lists pros and cons of both to take into consideration.

Choosing Between Glasses & Contacts

Age Considerations

Both glasses and contacts are meant to correct vision impairments and help restore eyesight to 20/20 vision levels.

For children and young adults who are new to corrective vision, glasses are often the best solution. A child’s eyesight can change significantly as they develop and glasses are easier to swap out than unused contact lenses.

However, those who participate in sports might prefer contacts since they are less likely to be jostled off and don’t interfere with peripheral vision. 

Care & Maintenance 

eye doctorMaintenance for glasses is usually easier than with contacts, especially if you don’t wear them all the time. To prevent scratches to the lenses, keep them in a protective case when you’re not wearing them. Invest in the proper lenses cleaner and a soft microfiber cloth to wipe away dust and smears that can obstruct your view.

Contacts come in more varieties than glasses—including soft and hard lenses. Some are only meant to be worn for the day while others can last weeks. Each has their own care requirements. 

Typical care involves remembering to take them out at night and when you shower, storing them in a saline solution when not in use, and washing your hands before handling them.


One of the reasons people choose to go with glasses is because of price. Contacts can get expensive, especially if you choose to go with a daily lens. To save money with brand rebates, work with your eye doctor to order your contact lenses in bulk.

Alternatively, you can continue to wear the same pair of glasses for years if your prescription doesn’t change. You can also save money by keeping frames and just swapping out the lenses when they become too scratched or your vision shifts.


Residents throughout Chandler, AZ, rely on the team of eye doctors at Sonoran Desert Eye Center for all of their questions concerning contact and prescription glasses. These dependable and knowledgeable experts also treat glaucoma and astigmatism, helping people restore their vision so they can get back to doing with they love with clear vision. To schedule an appointment, call (480) 812-2211 or visit them online for more tips on eye care and contact lens maintenance.  
