
Overcoming an addiction is no easy feat, which is why many turn to substance abuse counseling to receive guidance and moral support. Watching your friend or family member going through this process can be overwhelming. However, keep in mind that your support can significantly strengthen your loved one's treatment. Here are ways you can let them know they're not on this path alone.

3 Ways to Support a Loved One Who Is Attending Counseling

1. Learn More About the Disease

You may find it hard to understand your loved one's persistent substance abuse. But learning the science behind addiction can shed some light on your loved one's struggles and help you show your support. 

During the patient's treatment, substance abuse counseling personnel may give your family reading materials that explain how some substances induce brain changes. Purchase books about substance abuse and browse the internet to learn as much as you can.

2. Show Your Support in Healthy Ways

To help ensure their long-term recovery, carefully consider how you are expressing your support to your loved one. Arrange an encouraging environment by sharing positive coping methods and helping them find a support group that can cultivate a sense of belonging.

You should, however, establish firm boundaries and explain which actions you will not condone. For example, if you've told them you’re not going to settle their bail for any drug- or alcohol-related charges, stand by your word. Set rules that will let them know that they are still responsible for their actions.

3. Help Them Attend Their Sessions

Your loved one may substance abuse counselingrepeatedly refuse to seek help, or they may find it challenging to stay in treatment. Thus, staying dedicated and never giving up on encouraging them to attend counseling sessions is essential.

You can also offer to drive them to their support groups and treatment center. If the counselor recommends family therapy, fully commit and participate in all sessions.



If your friend or a family member needs substance abuse counseling, the team at White Spruce Counseling in Rochester, NY, is ready to help. Their compassionate team empowers individuals to take control of their lives by providing mental health and PTSD counseling, anger management help, and domestic violence classes. View their website to browse their services or call (585) 424-2436 to schedule an appointment. 
