
Although a funeral service is a crucial aspect of honoring a loved one while saying goodbye to them, one’s grief may not end there. The process of accepting the death of someone who was important to you may be long and challenging. Still, in order to make the best of your own life and respect your loved one’s memory, it is important to cope in a healthy way. Below, learn ways to ease this difficult process. 

5 Suggestions for Moving On After Losing a Loved One 

1. Accept Your Feelings 

People have a tendency to look at grief as a problem to be fixed, but that’s not necessarily true. Grief is a natural part of life. You may feel a variety of emotions about your loved one’s passing, which is normal. Even if it’s years later, you should let yourself experience your emotions without feeling guilty or crazy, as long as you’re not harming anyone else involved. 

2. Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms 

funeral serviceThe funeral service is a normal time to start coping with the loss. Beyond that, begin a regular exercise routine, learn a new hobby, write in a journal every day, or seek out service opportunities in your community. This can help distract your mind, and the better you feel, the easier it will be to grieve. 

3. Get Support 

Mourning with friends and family members at the funeral service is important and comforting, but continue reaching out to them afterward. These people will understand your loss and carry some of the same grief. You can also join a formal support group for additional help, which would also give you an opportunity to help others. 

4. Commemorate Your Loved One 

Sometimes, the best closure is found in doing something that allows your loved one’s memory to live on. Consider creating a memory scrapbook or a trinket with their photograph. You could also plant a tree or build a park bench with a dedicatory plaque. You can also do something to celebrate their birthday each year, such as eating their favorite dessert. 

5. Watch for Signs of Depression 

Grief is normal, but if it has been a significant time since your loss occurred with no change to your emotional state, you may have entered a depression. This is even more likely if you’ve become emotionally numb or feel overly saddened. If you reach this point, schedule a visit with a therapist right away. 

To ensure that your loved one is laid to rest with a thoughtful and sensitive funeral service, contact Robert W. Waid Funeral Home in Meadville, PA, for help. With more than 100 years of experience facilitating beautiful and personalized funeral arrangements, they’ll handle the preparations with compassion while offering 24/7 support. They even provide help with writing and posting an obituary. To discuss details with their funeral director, call them at (814) 724-1021 or message them online
