
Although spiders are beneficial for eating smaller bugs and pests, you probably don’t want a large population on your property. Some spiders found in Florida, like the black widow and brown recluse, are poisonous with serious health hazards if they bite you. If you find yourself feeling arachnophobic, call a pest control professional when you notice these signs of an infestation.

How to Tell if Your Home Has a Spider Problem

1. Egg Sacs

Most spiders lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs at a time in small silk balls. These habitats are likely to be in corners of a room, in the basement, or anywhere damp and out of direct light.

If you see multiple egg sacs in your home, there’s a possibility they could hatch, which would result in hundreds of baby arachnids in the house. Pest control can remove these sacs immediately and ensure the spider population is kept under strict control.

2. Excessive Insects

An excess amount of mosquitoes, moths, flies, and other small flying insects on your property could attract spiders to a productive feeding ground. If you’ve seen a lot of bugs around, take steps to reduce their population. Look for standing water and areas of turned-up dirt and eliminate these frequent breeding spots.

You may spot desiccated insect corpses on the floor in your basement or around the porch as well. This is a sure sign that spiders are feasting just out of sight, even if you can’t find a web.

3. Webs

pest controlInspect your home inside and out for webs. Spiders like to build their homes around tree branches, porches, and gutters—anywhere that’s in the flight path of their future meals. Look for webs near the exterior and interior lights, because it attracts many types of bugs. Pay attention to corners inside the home as well, particularly in the basement or infrequently used rooms, since these critters prefer to live in high places where prey is more likely and you can’t reach them.

4. Seeing Spiders

Spiders don’t like to make themselves known to humans, so if you notice multiple arachnids around the home, especially in high-traffic places like the living room, you likely have an infestation. Since spiders are solitary, they won’t congregate with others of their kind, indicating the better hiding spots are already taken. 


If you notice any of the above signs, enlist a professional as soon as possible. GreenTec Pest Control in Spring Hill, North Pinellas County, and Paco County, FL, has been the trusted pest control service for both residential and commercial clients for over 30 years. They use EPA-approved products to keep you and your family safe. Call today at (727) 847-6733 to request an estimate or visit their website for more information on the range of services. 
