
Dentures are one of the most effective solutions for people with missing or severely damaged teeth. They’re more affordable than dental implants and bridges and are comfortable and functional. Below are a few reasons why dentures can improve your oral health.

Preserve Bone Density

When you have a missing tooth, the bone that surrounds the teeth can deteriorate over time. The jawbone may decrease in size and eventually lead to various problems, such as your other teeth shifting and becoming misaligned. Dentures can fill the empty sockets and prevent the bone from deteriorating. 

Prevent Gum Disease

denturesEmpty sockets from where your teeth used to be could provide another entry point for bacteria to get into your gum tissue. This could lead to gum disease, a serious infection that could damage the gums and destroy the jawbone. Without prompt treatment, gum disease can cause heart disease and other health problems. If you get dentures, the empty sockets won’t be exposed anymore, reducing your risk of gum disease.

Improve Speech & Dictation 

If you have missing teeth, you may have trouble pronouncing certain words due to the gaps. When you speak, your tongue moves against your teeth to produce certain consonants and sounds. If you have severe breakage, you might find yourself slurring words or producing a whistling sound. Dentures replace missing teeth and can help you pronounce words more crisply. Although getting used to speaking with your dentures requires a brief introduction process, many find that their speech improves greatly within the first few weeks. 

Eliminate Dietary Restrictions

Dentures have come a long way in recent years and allow you to eat most of your favorite foods with ease. You can even eat crunchy fruits and vegetables, like carrots and apples, which scrub plaque off your teeth and reduce your risk of tooth decay.


If you’re interested in getting dentures, turn to the professionals at PdC Dentistry, S.C. in Prairie, SC. The dental office provides a wide variety of services, from routine cleanings to root canals, and uses the most advanced technology for their treatments. They take the time to build lasting relationships with their patients and provide them with the compassionate care they deserve. If you would like to learn more information about their services, call (608) 326-8458 or visit their website.
