
Unless your dog has been treated for canine atopic dermatitis by a veterinarian, you probably don’t know much about it. This can make it challenging to recognize the signs of this condition and know when to seek treatment. The following guide provides an overview of the condition and how you can keep your dog from having to deal with dry, itchy skin.

How to Care For Your Dog’s Skin

What Are the Causes of Canine Atopic Dermatitis?

One of the factors that can cause your dog to display symptoms of dermatitis is an allergic reaction to food. When a dog eats a food that causes an allergic reaction, their immune system will release antibodies to fight the reaction. Unfortunately, this healing process causes inflammation of the skin that can lead to dryness and scratching. Recognizing a food allergy is difficult, and dermatologists agree that an allergy can result from a deficient immune system but could be from another underlying condition. While one dog may be allergic to a specific brand of dog food, another dog of the same breed will not be negatively affected. 

Fleas can also cause skin conditions in dogs. Dogs pick up fleas from other animals, animal boarding facilities, or by playing outdoors. As the flea bites, saliva that contains antigens will penetrate your dog’s skin and cause an itching sensation. As they continue to scratch and irritate the skin, hot spots, or areas of raw, infected skin, will lead to dermatitis.

How Can You Prevent Your Dog From Suffering From Dermatitis? 

Pet Wellness Charles Town, WVKeeping your dog’s skin healthy starts with buying quality dog food. You should check the label to ensure that it has the vitamins and nutrients your dog needs for overall health. If you’re unsure, your vet will be able to recommend brands that offer quality nutrition. If you notice that your dog is scratching more than usual, make sure that you have used a flea and tick medication recommended by your veterinarian and on the proper schedule. Once you have ruled out fleas as the cause and your dog is still itching, rubbing against the carpet, or develops a yeast-like odor, you may be seeing signs of an allergic reaction or skin infection that will need the attention of a veterinarian.

How Will Your Veterinarian Treat the Condition?

There are a few different ways your veterinarian will help you treat canine atopic dermatitis.  Sometimes an antibiotic is needed for a secondary infection.  Your veterinarian may prescribe an oral medication or give an injection to stop the itching.  They may prescribe a medicated shampoo to reduce skin irritation and scratching. Using an oatmeal-based shampoo can regulate the pH level in the skin and reduce skin irritation.   

When giving your dog vitamins or other natural additives, you should consult your veterinarian about the proper dosage and possible interactions with medication your dog has been prescribed.


Taking a more active role in your dog’s skin health by regularly visiting a veterinarian can help ensure that your dog will live a happier life. Located in Charles Town, WV, Countryside Veterinary Clinic is eager to help you provide a better quality of life for your pet. Their friendly and welcoming staff will provide you with the knowledge you need to understand any condition that’s affecting your pet. You can learn more about the services they offer by visiting their website, and to schedule an appointment, call (304) 725-7663 today.
