
When homeowners think about roof leaks, water damage is the first symptom that comes to mind. However, this isn’t always the first sign of the problem, which is why many go unnoticed until more serious issues occur. It’s important to recognize the less obvious signs of leaks so you can contact a roofing contractor before the damage gets out of hand.

How to Detect a Leak

1. Bulging & Curling Shingles

When water collects under shingles, they begin to curl, warp, and bulge from the roof decking. These cosmetic defects will open the door to insects and more severe water damage, which is why you should schedule an inspection right away. A roofing contractor will examine these areas for perforations and replace shingles if needed.

2. Mold Growth

If you notice mold forming in the attic or where your roof and exterior walls meet, a leak is occurring somewhere. Mold requires water to grow, and over time, it can cause flu-like symptoms when exposed to you and your family members. If it’s left to spread inside the walls, it can be extremely difficult to remove.

3. Rust & Corrosion

roofing contractorWater exposure can cause hardware, vents, flashing, and other materials to rust. If you notice this forming, water could be seeping into your home. 

These issues significantly weaken hardware and could lead to collapse in some areas. When making upgrades, it’s best to discuss corrosion-resistant products with your roofing contractor to avoid future issues.

4. Clogged Soffits

Soffits regulate the temperature of your attic by pushing out hot air and drawing in cooler air from outside. Wet insulation could erode and clog the soffits. This isn’t always visible to the untrained eye, but you will notice that your attic is much warmer than usual. Your roofing contractor will check for this when performing a complete system inspection.


Whether you have a leaky roof or not, it’s wise to schedule an inspection each year. Lion Construction Group is a leading roofing contractor in the Hurst, TX, area and will take the necessary steps to protect your home. They offer everything from general roof repairs to complete replacements, which you can explore on their website. Call (214) 444-9050 to schedule a consultation.
