
If your dentist has recently recommended a root canal, you may be wondering what that means for you. This procedure saves decaying or infected teeth and can dramatically improve your oral health and comfort. Although it sounds frightening, the treatment is quick and simple, restoring your smile before you know it.

What Is a Root Canal?

Also known as endodontic treatments, these procedures are performed when the soft nerve tissue inside your tooth becomes infected or inflamed. This can occur because of a chipped or cracked tooth, trauma to the face, deep decay, or problems from a previous filling. The tissue, or pulp, is located inside the root canal, a natural cavity within the tooth.

If left untreated, these problems can cause pain or even an abscessed tooth. The infected tooth pulp must be removed, or it will result in bone loss, which will then require a tooth extraction.

How Are They Done?

root canalsA dentist can complete the treatment in one or two appointments. They will take an X-ray to examine the tooth and check for surrounding infections, and then numb the area with local anesthesia.

Your dentist will place a sheet of rubber around the tooth to keep it dry during the procedure. They’ll need to drill a hole into the affected tooth to remove the damaged nerve tissue and pulp.

Once clear, dental files and water or sodium hypochlorite are used to wash the sides of the hole clean and flush out the remaining debris. The root canal is then sealed with a paste and rubber compound. Sometimes, you will need a crown to help the vulnerable tooth recover and prevent it from breaking.


Although root canals have a reputation for being painful, you should feel nothing more than a little discomfort during the procedure. Afterward, stick to soft foods like yogurt, broth, and applesauce to avoid irritation.

You might experience some sensitivity and inflammation for a few days, but this can be eased with over-the-counter pain relievers. In general, you should be able to return to your normal lifestyle the next day.


Are you experiencing dental pain, swelling, or unusual tooth sensitivity? Schedule a visit with Mammoth Spring Dental Clinic in Arkansas for an expert diagnosis and effective treatments. Serving families in Hardy, Cherokee Village, Ash Flat, Thayer, Alton, West Plains, and the surrounding areas, this full-service practice provides complete dental care in a welcoming environment. From routine teeth cleanings to serious dental procedures, they go above and beyond to ensure your comfort. To schedule an appointment for a root canal, call (870) 625-3262. Visit their website for more details about services.
