

Turn off your water main

Winter is a particularly bad time for weak pipes, when water freezes and expands with incredible force. If you’re experiencing a pipe burst, call a plumber. In the meantime, here are a few steps you can take to reduce water damage and other issues resulting from pipes that have burst.

Drain the faucets


Once the water supply has been turned off, open your faucets to drain the remaining cold water from the system. (This means flushing your toilets multiples times, too.) After you have drained the cold water, drain the hot water. This will also reduce the chance of leftover water freezing inside the pipes. It also relieves some of the pressure in the pipe.

Turn off heat and drain your hot taps


Shut off your water boiler and heating system and release all the

water from your hot taps.


Warm Pipe


If your pipe burst or froze from cold weather, let some warm air in. After draining the remaining water, now you can turn the heat back on and

increase thermostat, or use a hair dryer on the pipe in question. Or simply open up the cabinet doors where they live to let the warm air circulate.




Now that you’ve contained the emergency, start taking photos of the

mishap and document any damage to your home and possessions. Don’t throw anything away just yet. You’ll want as much information as

possible on your side when you contact your insurance company.



If you will be away from your home for any length of time (days/months), be sure the water is turned off to the home and the lines have been drained.  This could save you from extensive damages as well as secondary damages such as mold growth and rotting depending on how long you are away once the event happens.

