
With spring coming quickly, animals are starting to multiply. Unfortunately, this means your house may soon have a few unwanted visitors, including rats. Learn more about why it's so important that you call for rat removal services if you suspect an infestation below.

How Rats Interfere With Your Home’s Health & Functionality

1. Electrical Wiring & Insulation

Rats chew through most materials, including insulated electrical wiring and thermal insulation. They use these materials to sharpen their teeth, which increases the risk of electrical problems and decreases home comfort and efficiency. Rats can even cause electrical fires, especially if they chew on old, worn wiring.

2. Household Surfaces

rat removalRats produce waste that can contaminate surfaces throughout your home, including your kitchen counters and food. Solid waste is especially dangerous to humans because it harbors bacteria and parasites, which can result in salmonella, hantavirus, and other serious illnesses. They also endanger pets by spreading microorganisms on their food, causing parasitic infections and diarrhea.

3. Upholstered Furniture & Wall Crevices

Rats use soft materials to make nests and reproduce, so your upholstered furniture provides an ideal environment. They also burrow into wall crevices and shred paper and fabric to make nesting materials. Rat removal services keep your furniture, walls, clothes, documents, and other papers free of such damages.

4. Leaks

Rodents can cause household leaks by chewing through water pipes, which can lead to structural rot as well and mold and mildew growth. They can also cause water damage by chewing your roofing system eaves, allowing rainwater and other critters into your home.


If you think there may be rats in your home, don’t wait to schedule rat removal with Urban Wildlife Control. This fully licensed and insured wildlife removal company has served Roswell, GA, and the surrounding areas since 2003, providing solutions for rat, snake, squirrel, raccoon, and other animal problems. Call (678) 493-7194 today for a free phone consultation, or learn more about their services online.
