
Whether your office building is expanding its computer network or your retail shop needs more square footage, an existing electrical system may not accommodate the changes you’re planning. An experienced electrician can do a complete assessment to determine which upgrades may be needed. Here are several common ones to consider during a remodel.

3 Commercial Renovation Electrical Upgrades

1. Heating & Cooling Systems

Installing a new HVAC system in your commercial building can provide savings on your monthly utility bills. Today’s heating and cooling units are designed to offer optimal energy-efficiency features. These include zoned air distribution, which customizes temperature settings in rooms that aren’t heavily used.

Programmable thermostats also adjust to seasonal weather so that your HVAC system is not working harder than needed. A professional electrician can reconfigure existing electrical wiring to accommodate these upgrades.

2. Dedicated Data Circuits

electricianCommercial buildings that rely on computers require reliable and ongoing power channels. As your business grows, electrical wiring will need to keep up. Dedicated data circuits provide another important upgrade for protecting electronic equipment for unexpected power surges. Your company’s sensitive data will have stronger safeguards in place thanks to new circuit backups. 

3. Electrical Outlets

If you’re renovating a school, government building, or large office, more electrical outlets are a must to keep employees plugged in. From telephones and printers to copy machines and computers, a thorough assessment is needed to determine the location and amount of new outlets. A professional electrician will make recommendations on the ideal spots to install them to maximize their use. 


These are just a few considerations to keep in mind for a commercial renovation. Since 1953, Arc Electric & Air Conditioning & Heating in Wilder, KY, has helped businesses from a wide range of industries with their electrical system upgrades. The family-owned company serves northern Kentucky and greater Cincinnati by providing customized commercial, industrial, and residential service to accommodate larger buildings, appliances, and computer networks. To learn more, call (859) 441-7161 to speak to a professional and licensed electrician. Visit the website for details on the full lineup of services. 
