
Most basements are either located entirely or partially underground, making flooding and leaking during heavy rainfall a possibility. Improper land grading, among other conditions, can exacerbate the tendency of a basement to flood. Here’s what you should know about the most common causes of basement flooding.

What Factors Contribute to Basement Flooding?

1. Weak Sealing

A newly constructed home should have a sealed and waterproofed foundation. However, when poorly sealed, water will seep into a basement when the ground gets saturated with water. Seals around doors and windows are particularly vulnerable to seepage. Inspect the caulking around basement doors and windows and reseal any cracks, or call a professional to use a liquid sealant on basement tiles and foundation walls and flooring.

2. Blocked Gutters

Gutters divert water away from a home and keep the basement dry. Don’t neglect gutter maintenance, or let gutters fill with leaves and other debris. Debris that impedes the flow of water may allow it to cascade down the side of your home, pool around the foundation, and seep into the basement. Clean your gutters in the spring and fall to avoid basement flooding.

3. Improper Land Grading

gradingYour house should be situated so water runs down and away from your foundation. When it rains, the water should be directed into a drain in your alley or parking lot. Basement flooding may occur, however, if the soil around your home settles and forms depressions. To address this issue, call a professional land grading company to move soil around to decrease the likelihood of flooding.

4. Poor Downspout Drainage

The downspouts of your gutter system should drain water from your home. If a downspout is broken, poorly aligned, or clogged with debris, water may pool next to your house and slowly seep into the basement through cracks in the foundation or through windows or doors.


If you’re interested in grading your property to prevent or lessen basement flooding, contact Jeff Simek Construction in Ogema, WI. These contractors assist homeowners and businesses throughout Price County and central Wisconsin with a full suite of construction services, including grading, land clearing, site development, and septic installation. With over 25 years of experience, they bring expertise, professionalism, and state-of-the-art equipment to every job. Call today at (715) 767-5295 for assistance, or visit their website for more information about their excavating services.
