
If your ability to speak was impacted by a medical event, such as a brain injury or stroke, your doctor will likely recommend taking up speech therapy. These programs help individuals with decreased motor skills strengthen and improve their ability to communicate, either verbally or through other mediums. The following guide outlines what to expect from your first appointment, so you enter well-prepared.

What Happens During Speech Therapy?

1. Taking an Initial Assessment

During your first appointment, the therapist will issue a few evaluation exams. These are designed to develop a baseline understanding of your ability to speak, process language, hear sounds or auditory cues, and control the muscles in your throat. To do this, your therapist might ask you to read passages aloud or notify them when you hear a sound being played.

2. Devising & Implementing a Plan

speech therapyOnce the therapist understands which areas need improvement, they’ll devise a treatment plan specifically designed to suit your goals. For example, they might prescribe a hearing aid if they feel an inability to hear properly is impacting your speech. They might also develop exercises that target your throat and mouth muscles to give you more control over speaking. They might even try to teach you ways to communicate that are nonverbal; this gives you a broader range of options to express yourself when speaking is difficult or impossible. For example, they might teach you sign language. 

3. Practicing at Home

Toward the end of each session, your therapist will give you a list of exercises or practices to perform at home until your next appointment. This will allow you to build on the progress you make during your visits to streamline your recovery. For example, they might have you read aloud for 15 minutes every day.


If you or a loved one needs speech therapy, turn to the compassionate professionals at Englewood Health Care Center in Monroeville, AL. The team at this family-owned care network is full of certified medical professionals equipped to help with a broad range of services, from rehabilitation to assisted living. Visit their website to learn more about what they do, and call (251) 575-3285 to speak with a team member.
