
One of the many challenges couples face during divorce is figuring out spousal support. Ending a marriage often places both parties under financial strain, but it can be especially burdensome for the dependent spouse. Receiving support payments will help them maintain the same standard of living that they’re used to. If you’ve split from your partner, you may try negotiating an agreed-upon support amount to avoid spending more time and money in a family law court. However, to be successful, it’s important you approach this discussion properly. Here are a few tips to guide you.

Family Law Guide: Negotiating a Spousal Support Settlement

Factors to Consider

family lawThere are two main factors to take into consideration when negotiating spousal support—your spouse’s resources and your financial needs. Before getting started, you’ll need a detailed picture of your spouse’s income and expenses, assets, and any bonuses, overtime, or benefits they receive. Having this information will allow you to determine how much they can realistically afford to pay. 

Next, you must take a look at your own financial situation and calculate how much you think you’ll require each month. Once you have a number in your head, you can begin negotiations. You should also have a certain length of time in mind that you wish to collect payments, as this will be part of your settlement. Family law courts rarely order permanent support. 

How to Reach a Fair Deal 

Getting divorced generally causes a mix of emotions to arise, but it’s important to remain calm and logical during negotiations. It’s not likely you’ll be able to communicate effectively if you let your feelings guide you.

The conversation will be more productive if you focus on resolving differences and try to stay flexible without compromising your needs. Be reasonable with your request and practice active listening while your spouse is talking.



Coming to an agreement on spousal support can be difficult even in the most amicable of splits. Turn to the family law attorneys at Zebley, Mehalov & White, P.C. for help navigating through this and every other aspect of your divorce. They can help facilitate the negotiation process and advise you on strategies to reduce conflict. Based in Uniontown, PA, they’ve remained dedicated to looking out for the best interests of residents throughout Fayette, Washington, Greene, and Westmoreland counties for nearly two decades. Call (724) 439-9200 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online for more information on the family law representation they provide.
