
The kitchen is the central hub of the house, and the design needs to be optimized for functionality and organization. The cabinets are often the primary source of storage in this space, and by adding a few useful accessories and features to these amenities, you can maximize the efficiency of your kitchen. For inspiration on how to upgrade your space, consult the following guide.

How to Upgrade Your Kitchen Cabinets

1. Pull-Out Trash Bins

Finding a place to store your trashcan that’s out of sight is ideal if you want to keep your kitchen fresh and clean. One of the most popular ways to do this is by adding a pull-out cabinet designed to hold your trash and recycling bins. Not only is this more visually appealing, but it’s also more sanitary, as your garbage will be confined and kept away from your food and appliances. For the most convenience, place the pull-out in the cabinets directly under your sink. This will allow you to discard food remanents and trash while cooking. 

2. Spice Racks

cabinets Cable, OHOne of the hallmarks of a homeowner who loves to cook is a bountiful spice collection. Unfortunately, though, these containers can be challenging to organize and keep tidy. Adding a spice rack to your cabinets will allow you to easily search for any ingredient without taking everything out of the cabinet and creating a mess. Some options include pull-out shelves or spinning racks. Place these cabinets directly over your stove or oven to make it easy to grab what you need while cooking.

3. Dividers

Adding vertical dividers creates additional space in your cabinets and makes it easier to grab what you need while cooking. With traditional cabinets, you either need to pull items from the back or wrangle an item from the bottom of the pile. Vertical dividers allow you to pull out whatever you need without making a mess. You can use this accessory to make accessing large items, like cutting boards or cookie sheets, easier. You can also use them to separate items, like porcelain china, from everyday plates and cups. 


If you’re interested in upgrading your cabinets, turn to the professionals at Pinkerman Cabinets and Remodeling. Located in Cable, OH, these contractors have over 30 years of experience providing residents throughout the Columbus area with custom-built additions. Call (937) 869-6145 today to request a free estimate, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
