
Spay and neuter services do more than control the pet population. Whether you recently adopted a puppy or an older pooch, one of the most important things you can do as a pet parent is scheduling spaying or neutering surgery with your local veterinary clinic. Here, get answers to common spay and neuter questions for canines.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spay & Neuter Services For Dogs

Why Is Spaying Or Neutering Necessary?

Not only does spaying and neutering prevent litters of puppies that need homes, but it also improves your animal’s physical and behavioral health. Spayed and neutered dogs are less likely to deal with health issues such as uterine infections, breast tumors, and testicular cancer. They also stop roaming, which keeps them out of danger from cars, wildlife, and other dogs. Neutered or spayed canines additionally quit marking their territory with urine and don’t become nervous and agitated from being in heat.spay and neuter

How Old Should My Dog Be To Undergo The Surgery?

Healthy puppies can undergo this essential surgery when they are eight weeks old. The procedure is recommended for dogs under nine months; however, older dogs can still get spayed or neutered if they don’t have serious health problems such as canine obesity. In female dogs, it is always best to spay before their first heat to reduce the risk of mammary tumors.

Will My Four-Legged Friend Get Fat After The Procedure?

No. Spay and neuter services have nothing to do with dog obesity. Canines gain weight from high-calorie diets combined with lack of exercise, though some breeds are more susceptible to weight gain than others, such as bulldogs, golden retrievers, and pugs. Other causes of weight gain include thyroid issues and other chronic illnesses.

Are There Any Reasons Not To Spay Or Neuter?

Unless your dog is a purebred animal who will participate in shows as well as breeding activities, schedule spay and neuter services as soon as possible. If your dog is not healthy enough for surgery, your veterinarian will recommend a treatment course that hopefully improves the canine’s spay and neuter candidacy. 


Improve your dog’s health and do your part to control the pet population with spay and neuter services from Thompson Animal Medical Center. Located in La Crosse, WI, the AAHA veterinary clinic provides a comprehensive range of pet care services, including wellness exams, dental care, and emergency assistance. Small exotic animals such as rabbits, turtles, snakes, lizards, and ferrets are also welcome. Call (608) 788-8820 today to schedule your dog’s surgery or visit the website for a virtual clinic tour.
