
Your furnace is a crucial component in your home, keeping you and your family comfortable and warm during the colder months. Although you might receive regular maintenance, you may find that your system is leaking. When this piece of equipment is leaking water, there may be a few reasons behind the issue. Below is a guide to a leaking furnace and why you might need professional furnace repair.

Why Is It Leaking?

furnace repairThe type of furnace you have will be a factor in determining the cause of the leak. Furnaces are usually high-efficiency and condensing or standard-efficiency and conventional. An easy way to tell is to look at the exhaust pipe. If it is white PVC, you have a high-efficiency model. Conventional models will have a metal exhaust pipe.

Usually, the culprit is a condensation leak. In high-efficiency models, the furnace extracts heat from the combustion gases longer than in a standard model, which means the gases cool and then condense. That condensation then filters to a floor drain, but if the drain or tube is clogged, or there is a break in the line, a leak can occur. There may also be trouble with the condensate pump.

In a standard furnace, the equipment extracts heat from the combustion gases and rapidly vents them out of the exhaust. Usually, when there is a leak in these models, the problem is an incorrectly sized exhaust pipe.

Another cause of a leak may lie in the internal drain system. Clogs can occur here, especially if the AC is running, and it shares the drain with the furnace. A high-efficiency furnace may also have a faulty secondary heat exchanger that will leak, which means it is time for a new system. Additionally, if you have a humidifier hooked up to your HVAC, it may be leaving puddles near your furnace when its components need repair. There could also be an internal blockage.

How Can You Handle the Problem?

The best approach to a leak is to call an HVAC contractor for furnace repair. They can assess your equipment and pinpoint the source of the problem. Because the issue can be anything from a clog to a bad exhaust pipe, you will need their expertise to correctly diagnose it. This will prevent mold and mildew buildup in your system and a complete breakdown. 


If you need furnace repair in Manlius, NY, turn to Doug Mapstone Inc. For 20 years, this women-owned business has offered personalized attention to every customer in their care. Their experienced technicians can handle all makes and models of heating and air equipment, ensuring you have peace of mind during your next heating repair or AC installation. They also offer emergency services 24 hours a day. Call the HVAC contractor at (315) 682-7181 for an appointment or visit their website for their full list of offerings.
