
Smoking takes a serious toll on every aspect of your life, including your oral health. Each day, dentists and oral surgeons all over the world treat problems directly related to smoking. Along with simpler issues like bad breath and stained teeth, smokers face an increased risk of these serious oral health concerns. 

3 Oral Health Issues Caused By Smoking

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also called periodontitis, is an infection of the gums that can destroy the jawbone supporting your teeth and lead to tooth loss. It occurs when plaque builds up in your mouth and infiltrates the gums.

If you smoke, you face twice the risk of gum disease compared to a nonsmoker. Smoking prevents your gum tissue cells from functioning normally, making them more prone to infection. Additionally, because smoking weakens your immune system, you’ll have a harder time fighting off the infection.

2. Slow Healing 

oral surgeonsEven when smokers seek treatment for gum disease promptly, they’ll typically have to wait longer to heal compared to nonsmokers, as smoking can hinder blood flow to the gums. This can also slow healing after a patient has oral surgery, such as a tooth extraction. Quitting smoking is the only way to speed up recovery in these cases.

3. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer occurs when the healthy cells in your mouth gradually mutate. It can affect various parts of the mouth, including the gums, tongue, and lips.

Repeatedly exposing your mouth and throat to the harmful chemicals in tobacco can significantly increase your risk of oral cancer. About 80% of oral cancer patients smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, or use smokeless tobacco. To protect yourself from this disease, stop using tobacco as soon as possible. 


Keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition by turning to Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska. Located in Anchorage, board-certified oral surgeons Dr. William F. Bergeron, Jr. and Dr. Ray Holloway provide a variety of efficient procedures including dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and jaw surgery. Learn more about their services online, and call (907) 561-1430 to schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon today.
