
It can be alarming to discover insects in your home, and carpenter ants are a common culprit. These pests differ from the smaller ant varieties that you might spot on the kitchen counter or the bathroom floor. These larger insects require specific, targeted ant control techniques. Here’s what you should know as ant season approaches.

How to Identify Them

Carpenter ants are distinctive in appearance. Measuring anywhere from a quarter of an inch to half an inch, they’re usually black, however, some might have a yellow or red tone.

In addition to their deep color, carpenter ants also boast an unusual shape that’s easy to detect from the side. Their thorax, situated directly behind their head, is rounded. Behind this is their waistline, which has a small node protruding from it.

How They Cause Damage

ant controlCarpenter ants, like other insects, crave food. If they find access to your kitchen, it’s imperative to take quick action for prompt ant control. These insects enjoy eating meat, honey, sugar, and even pet food.

While these pests don’t eat wood, they do create hollows so they can nest inside. A small pile of sawdust may be evidence of an infestation.

Often, it’s difficult to spot the damage because these bugs prefer the access to moisture provided by unaddressed leaks in your home. While they will cause localized damage, they usually won’t cause structural problems unless the problem goes unresolved.

How to Prevent Them

If you detect carpenter ants, it’s crucial to work with an ant control specialist to remove them. Otherwise, you may only treat a few while missing the larger colony.

However, there are steps homeowners can take to avoid the problem in the first place. That includes repairing leaks throughout the house, keeping foods away and sealed, and trimming overhanging branches to prevent easy access to the home. If you keep firewood outside, make sure that it’s stored several feet away from your foundation. Finally, if there is any wet lumber near the home, remove it.


Homeowners throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area trust the team at Bugout Termite & Pest Control Inc to resolve their carpenter ant woes. In addition to handling ant control, these qualified pest extermination experts also offer termite inspections, bed bug extermination, and other residential pest control solutions. Visit their website for information or call (410) 760-6065 to schedule an appointment.
