
As plumbing and sewer pipes are installed underground and behind walls, many issues are difficult to locate without excavation. Luckily, technicians can provide camera inspections to find problems and determine whether line jetting, repairs, or pipe replacement is necessary. If one of your plumbing or septic lines experiences an issue, learn more about this option to determine whether it’s right for your needs.

Which Plumbing Problems Do Camera Inspections Pinpoint?

 Anchorage-Alaska-line-jettingCamera inspections are performed to diagnose the exact cause of sewage backups, slow drainage, and other issues affecting plumbing and septic system performance. With a camera, a technician will locate stuck nonbiodegradable materials, invasive tree roots, sagging, cracks, and other problems in the line. This helps you avoid the need for costly and time-consuming excavation to find compromised sections of the sewer or septic piping. Technicians will know precisely which areas need line jetting or repairs, resulting in prompt, efficient service.

What Happens During a Camera Inspection?

During the appointment, a technician will snake a long, flexible rod into the affected pipe. Attached to the rod is a waterproof video camera. The camera is equipped with LED lights to illuminate the piping and a radio transmitter to note the depth of the blockage or rupture. You and the technician will see what the camera finds on a monitor that displays the live feed from the camera.

Once the issue is identified, the professional will withdraw the camera and perform the required service to restore the functionality of your plumbing. 


To determine what service will be most effective for your plumbing or septic problem, contact Around The Clock Pumping in Anchorage, AK. Serving clients in the Kenai Peninsula and Mat-Su boroughs, these technicians provide camera services to determine how to approach malfunctions. They also offer line jetting for safe and effective drain cleaning. See all the services the team performs online, or call (907) 345-9126 to schedule an appointment.
