
Skylights bring natural light into a room and can be a complementary design component to many commercial buildings. In contrast, if the skylight is damaged or needs commercial glass repairs, it can be a safety risk to you and your staff. Be aware of these telltale signs you need to replace your skylights.

3 Ways to Tell It’s Time to Replace Your Skylight

1. Yellow Discoloration

Skylights should usually be replaced every ten years. As they age, the glass will become yellowish-brown and murky because of sun damage to the plastic tints or sealants on the windows.

This reduces the brightness of light beams that pass through. Vinegar and hot water can help to draw out the discoloration, but often, a new sealant or glass window is needed to remedy the situation.

2. Cracks or Leaks

commercial glass repairSmall cracks or leaks can quickly turn into a more serious problem, potentially damaging other materials in the process. This could lead to drywall damage, bubbling or peeling paint, and mildew. A professional repairman will identify the cause and recommend a repair or replacement based on the extent of the damage.

3. Condensation

If you notice a buildup of moisture around the skylight, but there isn’t a crack or leak, it may be an issue with the window sealant. A leak will provide a steady stream of water or dripping, while condensation will gradually build on the surface of the window.

Not taking care of this issue can lead to problems with your roof. Water that leaks inside can dampen wood structures, drywall, and insulation and may result in a roof replacement. 

Prevent costly repairs by calling a commercial glass repair service to re-seal the window. If there are extensive damages to the windowpane, it may require a skylight replacement.


If you find yourself in need of commercial glass repairs, reach out to the team at Consumer Glass in O'Fallon, MO. They are a locally owned and operated facility that has offered competitive prices and superior glass repair and replacement services since 1987. Each technician on staff has an average of 20 years of experience, so you can rest easy knowing your glass work will be taken care of properly. For a complete list of services, view their website or call (636) 397-6800 for an appointment.
