
If you deal with allergies, you know it’s no fun to constantly deal with symptoms—and as winter gives way to spring, these can worsen. Whether you’re using your air conditioning or a gas furnace, the same filter helps improve your indoor air quality year-round by reducing allergens in the home. For this reason, it’s essential to replace it with a clean one regularly. Here’s a closer look at the importance.

Your Furnace Filter & Allergies

What Is a Furnace Filter?

The standard central air HVAC system—consisting of an air conditioning compressor and an electric or gas furnace—has a removable filter that’s designed to help keep the HVAC system operating well by removing dust from the air. It can be made of paper, cloth, or fiberglass.

Non-dust allergens like pollen and pet dander may not be thoroughly filtered from the air by the most basic filters, so it pays to put a little more thought into your choice.

What Filters Help With Allergies?

A high energy particulate filter, commonly known as HEPA, is designed specifically to trap tiny particles such as pollen, dust mites, and other allergens as well as dust. It’s made from micro-thin layers of glass rather than paper. Some HEPA filters are so fine that they’ll even filter cigarette smoke. Since these filters remove so many substances from the air, those with allergies will be exposed to fewer irritants indoors.

gas-furnaceHEPA filters aren’t all the same. Some are disposable while others are permanent and need to be cleaned rather than replaced. Most importantly, there’s an efficiency rating on each filter that indicates its effectiveness in trapping particles. This rating is called the MERV and goes from 1-12, with 12 boasting the finest filtering capacity.

How Often Should a Filter Be Changed or Cleaned?

Disposable filters must be changed frequently for them to be effective—once every season is recommended for the average household, though every 30 days is beneficial to those with allergies or respiratory issues, particularly during the spring as irritants start making their way into your HVAC system.

Permanent filters should be cleaned based on the same schedule, though it’s easier to clean more often since you don’t have to purchase a new product each time.


If you need assistance with your AC, gas furnace, or air filter and live in the Andalusia, AL, area, call on Walker Electric Inc. This team of experienced HVAC technicians can assist with every kind of heating and air conditioning issue, including regular maintenance, repairs, and new system installation. Call (334) 222-2481 for a quote or visit the website to learn more about their services.
