
Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other substance that impairs your reaction time frequently comes with consequences that can impact your life long after you pay the fines associated with your arrest. Learn about them below, and contact a DWI lawyer to discuss your case if you were recently charged.

How Can a DWI Conviction Impact Your Life?

1. Jail Time

A DWI conviction can result in jail time, depending on where you live and the type of conviction. For example, if you live in New York and get convicted of aggressive driving while intoxicated (AGG DWI), you could spend up to one year in jail. If you get convicted of the same offense again within 10 years, you face up to four years in jail. A third DWI or DWAI-Drug conviction can result in up to seven years of jail time.

2. License Suspension or Revocation

dwi lawyerFollowing a DWI conviction, your license will get suspended or revoked for certain periods, again depending on the type and your location. In New York, your license will be revoked for at least one year for an AGG DWI conviction. Other DWI-related convictions result in license suspensions or revocations ranging from 90 days to 18 months.

3. Substance Abuse Assessment

Since DWI and DWAI charges include drug and alcohol screenings, the New York court system will call for a substance abuse assessment if your screening indicates substance dependence. Many states require these evaluations, which often result in court-ordered Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meeting attendance. You may also be ordered to complete an outpatient or inpatient substance abuse program, undergo random drug and alcohol testing, or attend counseling sessions.

4. Civil Lawsuit

If driving under the influence resulted in serious injuries or fatalities, you could face a civil lawsuit. Known as wrongful death lawsuits, they involve paying damages such as medical, funeral, and burial expenses, lost wages, and lost inheritances, among other fines. This is a serious legal matter, so hire a competent DWI lawyer to help you through the process.


If you were recently charged with a DWI, talk to the attorneys at Ozman Law Offices in Walden, NY. These DWI lawyers fight hard for the results their clients deserve from start to finish. Call (845) 778-7777 today to schedule a free consultation, or visit their website for a complete list of their practice areas.
