
Perhaps you recently underwent a teeth whitening procedure to remove stains you have dealt with for years. Maybe you simply want to do more to keep your grin looking as brilliant as possible. Here, review dental care practices to help you avoid tooth discoloration issues and subsequently missed photo opportunities.

How to Maintain a Brilliant Smile

1. Avoid Discoloring Foods & Beverages

Limit your intake of foods and beverages that stain teeth, such as beets, coffee, red wine, tomato sauce, blueberries, and dark juices. These either contain pigments that leave stains on teeth or feature acid content that erodes enamel to reveal the yellow dentin underneath.

If you don’t want to forgo some staining foods and drinks because of their health benefits, such as berries and fruit juices, rinse your mouth with water after eating them. You can also increase your intake of foods that naturally clean teeth, such as apples and celery.

2. Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene

dental careBrush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each and floss once daily to eliminate surface stains and bacteria buildup that contributes to yellow and brown plaque deposits. Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash if your dentist recommends it to further control plaque accumulations and consider switching to a whitening toothpaste.

3. Use Baking Soda Periodically

Baking soda works as a mild abrasive to remove surface stains. It provides additional dental care benefits by contributing to mouth alkalinity, which helps slow bacterial growth.

Baking soda isn’t a substitute for toothpaste, though, because it doesn’t contain fluoride or help prevent cavities. Also, don’t overuse this product because it damages the enamel if you brush with it too aggressively or often; only use baking soda once or twice a week on your teeth.

4. See Your Dentist Every Six Months

Visit the dentist twice a year for a deep teeth cleaning that removes plaque and its hardened counterpart, tartar. Professional cleaning and polishing remove surface stains to keep your teeth looking bright. Your dentist can also provide take-home whitening treatments to help you maintain your grin. 


Schedule your next teeth cleaning at Dental Wellness of Milford. Serving Clermont County, OH, since 1978, this dental care practice offers a full suite of family dentistry services, including home whitening kits and emergency dentistry assistance. Call (513) 575-9600 today to make your appointment or visit the dentist online to review service information. Like the Facebook page for more dental care tips.
