
While many people are aware of the health dangers of smoking, it can be a difficult habit to break. Unfortunately, the risks to your health aren’t the only dangers involved. 5% of all U.S. home fire damage per year is attributed to smoking materials. To avoid this happening to your family, adhere to the following best practices.

4 Ways Smokers Can Improve Fire Safety 

1. Smoke Outside

Avoid smoking inside. Instead, excuse yourself to the backyard or a balcony. Keep glass ashtrays or buckets of sand near your chosen spots to grind your buds into when you are finished since grass is flammable.

2. Never Smoke in Bed

If you must smoke inside, never do it in bed. While a smoker may find cigarettes relaxing, you don’t want to risk falling asleep with one still lit. It could easily set fire to your sheets and blankets, putting you at a high risk of injury.

3. Put Cigarettes Out All the Way

fire damageIt can be tempting to put your almost-out, smoldering cigarette in the ashtray when you’re done, thinking it will burn itself out. However, it might not. Grind your cigarettes until they are dead. Otherwise, when you transfer the ashes to the trash, an ember could feed itself on the materials it finds there and ignite.

4. Don’t Smoke Around Medical Oxygen or Propane 

Gas can be explosive. If you use propane for cooking or heating, do not smoke nearby. The same holds true if someone in your house requires a medical oxygen tank; don’t light up near it.


Was your home recently affected by fire damage? Turn to Arkansas Restoration Services in Russellville, AR, for assistance. For 30 years, this restoration company has offered the caring touch you can only get from a local business with a level of quality to match massive companies. In addition to helping with smoke and fire damage, they also clean up after floods and eliminate mold. Call (479) 967-2018 to set an appointment. Learn more about their capabilities online.
