
Neck and back pain contributes to over 264 million lost workdays per year. While more common in manual labor roles, office workers are also likely to experience discomfort due to poor posture and sedentary work conditions. If you experience an aching back or neck and sore, tight muscles in the workplace, consider the tips below to relieve the pain.

How to Relieve Neck & Back Pain

1. Correct Your Posture

Poor lumbar support, incorrect chair or desk height, and even the way you sit all cause faulty body positioning. Holding the wrong posture for hours at a time will lead to muscle stress, ligament strain, and eventually pain.  

To correct this, adjust your monitor so your eyes are level with the top of the screen. Lower your desk height or raise your chair so your arms rest comfortably and your wrists are in a neutral position. If you talk on the phone often, switch to a headset to alleviate neck tension. 

Find a chair with good lumbar spine support, or look for a small cushion or commercial lumbar support to place in your chair.  This can make a tremendous difference in how your back and neck feels by the end of the workday.  

If your chair has armrests, make sure they are adjusted to the correct height.  Your forearms should rest comfortably on them and support the weight of your arms/shoulders.  This will help relieve the prolonged strain on your shoulder and neck muscles.

2. Move More

back painWhile it's easy to lose track of time when you’re focused on your work, regular movement can help reduce a stiff neck or an aching back.

Try setting a reminder on your phone or fitness app to prompt you to stand and stretch for a few minutes, or take a brief walk every 30 minutes. Adjustable desks that allow you to sit or stand as needed are also an excellent option for those who don’t want to interrupt their concentration.  

Proper posture is the key to reducing chronic neck or back pain resulting from prolonged sitting or standing.

3. Reduce Strain From Repetitive Tasks

If your job requires sustained or repetitive, strenuous motions such as heavy lifting, bending, or twisting, simple modifications can help relieve back pain and prevent injuries.

Sustained bending for even a few minutes or repetitive bending can cause muscle strain, improper ligament tension and excessive joint pressure.  Even if not immediately felt, this may result in muscle stiffness, soreness or aching and may make it difficult to move about easily.  It could also  result in additional injuries with abrupt motions.

If you have to maintain a sustained bent forward position, straighten up every 2-3 minutes and stretch.  Reverse the posture by bending backward a few times.  Keep repeating this if you have to continue at the same task.  

If you’re performing a task that requires repetitively bending or twisting, take regular breaks to stretch or alternate between your various duties, if possible.

When lifting, safety first and good body mechanics are essential in avoiding a back or neck injury.  If unsure of how heavy an item is, carefully test it to find out if you can lift it by yourself.  If you are unsure, get help.  Then use good body mechanics.  Bend at the knees, not at your lower back. Keep your back as erect as possible and ready yourself before the lift.  Keep the object as close to your trunk as possible.  The push up with your legs.  If you have to perform any twisting movements, reduce the possibility of a lower back injury by pivoting at your feet and hips rather than twisting your spine.

Back and neck pain can result from a number of problems – including traumatic injuries and degenerative changes in the spine.  However, a common complaint that we see at Physical Therapy Unlimited is pain due to poor posture and/or improper lifting.  These latter problems can be avoided and  often corrected.  

In our clinic we instruct patients on exercises and self-care techniques to overcome the symptoms resulting from muscle strains, ligament sprains, degenerative (arthritic) spinal changes and/or bulging or herniated disks. 

Some of these problems may resolve in time with the proper care.  Others may be long-lasting or per manent problems, but even these can be better managed with the appropriate exercises and self-care. 

If you  are experiencing chronic or acute neck  or back pain, contact the professionals at Physical Therapy Unlimited in Canyon Lake, TX. With over 35 years of experience, their highly trained physical therapists will work with you to identify common pain points and develop a treatment plan to help you feel your best. Contact them at (830) 907-2145 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their services.
