
It’s not easy to evade signs of aging, which is why many people turn to cosmetic services. Chemical face peels are popular and may be exactly what you’re looking for. It’s a new topic for many patients, and there can be questions. Below are answers to ensure you know what to expect.

Understanding Chemical Face Peels

How do they work?

Chemical face peels remove damaged skin layers related to wrinkles, sunspots, scarring, and age lines. There are three types: light, medium, and deep.

Light peels have the fastest recovery time because they use milder chemicals, though they require multiple treatments. Medium peels address the upper and middle layers of your skin. The slightly stronger chemicals are effective for pigmentation issues, deeper wrinkles, and surface blemishes.

Deep chemical face peels address everything from scarring and winkles to pre-cancerous growths because they penetrate to the lowest dermal layer.

Who is a candidate?

Chemical face peels can be performed at any age, though they are usually for patients 18 and over. Patients with darker complexions may not qualify since this is more difficult to treat. Those with sensitive skin or abnormal scarring may also not be receptive to treatment. It’s important to let the cosmetic surgeon know if you’ve taken acne treatments or have skin health issues, as this can affect your candidacy.

What’s the procedure like?

chemical face peelsThe cosmetic surgeon may ask you to avoid extensive sun exposure in the weeks before the treatment, as sun damage may impact the procedure. They may also ask that you avoid using skin care products or scrubbing your face 48 hours before the procedure. This ensures nothing will create skin issues before the peel.

Light chemical peels are usually painless. The surgeon may offer a pain reliever for a medium peel or a local anesthetic for a deep peel. Once the area is ready, the surgeon will apply the chemical to the skin with a sponge. The skin will then whiten.

They’ll use a neutralizer to rinse the chemicals from your face during a light peel. A cool compress is used for a medium peel. Deep peels require 15-minute chemical applications for a total of 90 minutes. Patients usually receive IV fluids during treatment and their vitals are monitored to detect adverse reactions.

How long do results take?

Recovery times vary. Light peels take 1-7 days. Skin redness and scaling for 3-7 days is common. Use lotion and sunscreen to protect your skin and wait at least one day before wearing makeup. However, you’ll usually require 3-5 more treatments.

Medium peels take 7-14 days and are accompanied by swelling and blistering. Begin wearing makeup 5-7 days after and limit sun exposure. Deep peels take up to 3 weeks to heal.



If you’re ready to explore chemical face peels further, contact Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C. Dr. Daman offers a variety of services to Hartford, CT, patients, including Botox®, microdermabrasion, and sclerotherapy. She will create a personalized skin care plan to help improve your complexion using various treatments, including chemical face peels and collagen injections. Explore her services further online and call (860) 246-3533 to schedule a consultation.
