
Your windows play a vital role in the efficiency of your home, from preserving your temperature-controlled air to keeping the elements out. Wood rot in windows is a serious problem that should be examined immediately, as it can cause your utility bills to spike as air escapes your home. If you’re unsure whether your windows have wood rot, consider the most common signs that your windows may need wood rot repair.

What Causes Wood Rot in Windows? 

window rot repairsMoisture is the driving culprit behind wood rot in windows. When the wood frame surrounding your windows becomes exposed to excess moisture, it begins to soften and eat away at the sills and sashes. This can be caused by old windows or siding, as well as improper installation and gutter issues that allow water to seep through.

What are Common Types of Wood Rot?

Wood rot can present in different ways depending on the amount of water the wood has been exposed to and the length of time it was exposed. At the most basic level, both brown and white rot are potential problems that can develop on your windows. Brown rot—also known as dry rot—has a dark brown hue that causes the wood to rot and break apart in a cubical formation. White rot, on the other hand, is white or yellowish and causes the wood to appear fibrous and spongy.

What are the Signs of this Issue?

Several signs indicate wood rot is developing in your windows. Be on the lookout for changes in appearance and color. Wood with discoloration that is lighter or darker than it once was is a sign. Texturally, wood rot in windows can cause sashes and sills to feel damp, soft, and spongy. They could also feel dried out and start to break apart. Another common sign of wood rot in windows is escalating utility bills. Decay causes wood to shrink, making it easy for air to escape and causing you to run your heating and cooling system more frequently to keep your home comfortable.


If you are concerned that your windows may require wood rot repair, consult the professionals at The Glass Guru of Newark in Ohio. Whether you have aging windows or seals that no longer provide insulation, these professionals perform a wide array of services to help you maintain your home. To learn more about your options when dealing with wood rot in windows, visit them online or call (740) 349-0871.
